Monday, February 23, 2009

updates and such...

I hope everyone is enjoying the new year and working on building their new selves in line with what ever goals you have set for 2009.

Just wanted to write an update on what is going on...

I am working on the full out website and it should be up sooner than later :-)

I am writing and performing and being a wild crazy creative woman in a circle of amazing creative sisterfriends...

There are some new pieces I am working on that I am very excited about!!!!!

  • continuing the Afro Puffs series, the next piece is going to be sooo cute cant wait to finish
  • continuing the Black Women in Politics series I am going to focus on revolutionary politics so you already know sista Assata and Angela Davis are all up in that one but going to link so revolutionary politics of the old days as well...dont want to give it ALL away lol
  • FINALLY...starting a healing series where I look at people who are hurting so that awareness is built for us to begin to heal...the first piece is going to be AMAZING. the working title is 'empty womb'

for any questions, comments, pricing on other pieces or you want something specially made or your own idea put to the canvas with my hands just email me at

Friday, February 20, 2009

Afro Puffs


limited prints available

This is a fun piece that is a part of a series I am doing on Natural Black children. This piece inspires women young and old to be proud of their Natural hair!!!

Vol 1: Presidential: From Sea 2 Shining Sea

Acrylic/Paper/Mixed Media
This piece is the first one in a series I am doing on Black women in Politics. I called this one Sea to Shining Sea because it looks at the presidential role of the Black woman. From the first Black woman president, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in Liberia, to the first Black woman running for a major party presidential ticket, Shirley Chisholm, to our First Black Lady, Michelle Obama. These women represent major strides in presidential affairs of Black women in the world.

Choose Hope

This piece was inspired by President Barack Obama and his infamous quote to “choose hope over fear” I also used the infamous quote that was used by Nelson Mandela that “our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate but that we are powerful beyond measure”. Let this piece be a reminder that we MUST always choose hope over fear, hope that we will be and already are powerful beyond our dreams…

Booty Womb

This piece looks at the womans body as an entire womb, including her booty. That things can be birthed out of us as Black women no matter what the circumstances are. This piece was inspired by my involvement with the Saartjie Project Saartjie Bartman was put on display because of her large buttocks but although that was a horrible situation, many beautiful things have been birthed out of it in our century. We can always turn a negative into a positive.

Lady in Orange


This piece is based on the character in the play “For Colored Girls” I performed this piece and loved it so much I decided to capture it on canvas!