Sunday, September 13, 2009
it was a long busy summer...but that is no real excuse....
i have moved to a new blog site so i will no longer post here but please visit my new site at:
have a creatively blessed week!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Purchasing Afro Puffs Prints
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
afro puffs
So the great news is more prints are going to be available this week! AND>>>
I am starting to work on the other characters that will be included in this series as well as other items that display these young beautiful characters...
one sista told me at an art show...
"I have to have this for my she can know that how she looks is beautiful and she can accept herself and her blackness"
YAY!!!!!!!!! black IS beautiful!!!! afro puffs and all!!!!
Picking Love
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Secret 3: Following your Fascinations
I know I am behind on these posts but ive been sick and busy among many things...
now that thats out of the time to discuss the 3rd chapter...
The first thing that jumped out at me was the Greek meaning of risk:
"to sail around a cliff"
I started to think about the idea of a cliff...what things in my life can be represented by a cliff and how do I sail around them? I do not have the answer yet...I think this will take a lot more time of reflection but when i figure it out ill post!
"To be truly creative, you must be willing to try and fail then get over it!"
this quote stuck out because often times we (or at least I) dwell on how we have failed instead of just shaking off the dust and keep on moving!!! I think it is ok to erase and rip up paper then start over, in the most literal to the most conceptual terms...
from this thought the chapter went on to discuss how it takes courage to admit that we have been on the wrong train and I definitely agree with this. I felt for a long time that getting my Masters degree in sociology was not only a waste of money but a waste of time. And it has always been hard for me to admit this to people. Sure I have another piece of paper to prove my knowledge and research skills but I now feel that I could have better spent two and a half years of my life doing more creative and loving things that I enjoy. The natural me hates this but the spiritual me realizes that it wasn't a waste of time because it put me in a place i had to journey to get to where i am now.
A few questions that popped up in my mind that you can ask yourself and I am asking myself:
? what positive risks are you going to take in your life?
? how will you honor your own belief system?
? What does your belief system look like?
? Who is your creative self and what does she/he look like?
Throughout each chapter in the book there are challenges presented for the reader to engage in. I chose to write about the intuitive messages challenge, which asked:
what messages are you receiving from your intuitive voice? IS your creative self inviting you to try new ventures? Are you ready to follow your fascinations?
My creative self is inviting me to try several new ventures. My intuitive voice is telling me to embark on a creative journey that I never thought I would be on. I am enrolling in classes to get pre-requisites for art therapy and going to apply for a masters in art therapy for Fall 2010 instead of going to get my PhD in something else. I am going to take my first art class next week! I am doing more in art that I never believed I would ever do. I just started painting months ago!!! Sell paintings? Never thought it would be me. I have my work hanging in peoples homes!!! My creative self wants me to let go and allow the energy to simply flow out into the world however it may. My creative self wants me to hone my craft and take time to understand who I am as an artist and a creative healer. I am ready to follow these fascinations and am planning my positive risks while working on being positive about these changes in my life and garnering support from others to continue and feel safe outside of my comfort zone.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
sista beautiful
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Saartjie Project Homecoming !!!!!
Joyism May 1st!!!!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Ch. 2: Honoring your Inspirations
After reading this chapter I learned that I need to push myself more to create time for inspiration and to begin using creative rituals. More meditation. More time to just sit and let creativity come instead of just doing something because I feel like I have to do it.
One of the challenges in the chapter asked "what activates and drains our creativity"
My activators are: music (esp. sista badu!), magazines, concersations, dreams, creative energy and love from others, sunny days
drainers: rainy days, lazy days, low energy overall, feeling overwhelmed/anxious/depressed
In honoring my inspirations, I have to focus more on understand exactly who Jade is and build strategies to understand how my creativity works and how to allow it to work better. I constantly carry around a notebook or sketchbook and colored pencils to record whatever comes to mind whenever.
The chapter also discussed creating a creative sanctuary, which is my room overall lol I have beautiful colors of orange, purple, fuschia, different types of lighting, a large desk, areas to paint, green plants and colorful flowers (LIVE lol not fake), several bookshelves and creative cabinent. I will post pics of my room/creative sanctuary later.
how will you honor your creative inspirations?
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
at the nursing home
i walked in the building and was led into the dining room area.
there were several 'seasoned' sistas and brothas in wheelchairs with nurses and volunteers helping them with their work. I was paired with an 80 year old brotha named Jesse.
Strong black brotha. He was focused on his work. He took an entire hour working on a bird he wanted to paint. I helped him with the watercolors. He laughed at me. I looked around at the others. Nurses were drawing the pictures and painting them for their patients, but me?
I let Jesse go on and do his thing.
What is creativity if I force myself on to someone else's process? Although some of the people were limited in their ability to draw and paint so what!!!! Let them have autonomy and the gift of doing whatever they want!!! From time to time Jesse asked me to move the paper around for him and clean his brushes. I was his assistant because he only had one arm.
When he finally finished his piece, he had the best out of everyone. It was an amazing watercolor on paper of a bird on a tree stump. He blended blues and greens, reds and browns to create something amazing. Everyone else made easter baskets lol
So when he finished I said, "you want to paint something for easter?"
he laughed, "I cant. I dont know what easter look like!"
He used the power of his own mind to paint and take time to create what he envisioned, not what someone else had. If i learned anything from this session, I know that as a therapist and creative encourager, I dont want to force. I want to beckon. I want to faciliate. Gently knead. Softly call for the creative energy that exists in every patient, client, sista, and brotha. And allow them to surface in their own time.
and this is a lesson for all parts of life...we should all ask ourselves, do we tend to force our ideas and our ways upon others? or create an environment where all can exist and grow?
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Acknowledging your creative self
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I am currently working on some gifts for friends that I have been inspired by. Mom said, why you not selling these pieces and I told her because they are GIFTS!!! if we do not honor one another and give priceless gifts how do we expect to receive the same?
ON the other part of art, I am planning the next pieces that will follow 'empty womb' the working titles are 'womb on fire' and 'womb inspired'. At the end of the set you will be able to see the progress of the woman from being empty to being should be great once it is all done.
That is my main focus for now and finishing the smaller pieces I was working on called "Economic Tears"
I also need to update this blog with some of the other artistic work I have been doing around the house as far as interior design and renovation is concerned. I have a few before and after pictures that need to go up.
Have a creative week!!!!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Mother of Movement
empty womb
Monday, February 23, 2009
updates and such...
Just wanted to write an update on what is going on...
I am working on the full out website and it should be up sooner than later :-)
I am writing and performing and being a wild crazy creative woman in a circle of amazing creative sisterfriends...
There are some new pieces I am working on that I am very excited about!!!!!
- continuing the Afro Puffs series, the next piece is going to be sooo cute cant wait to finish
- continuing the Black Women in Politics series I am going to focus on revolutionary politics so you already know sista Assata and Angela Davis are all up in that one but going to link so revolutionary politics of the old days as well...dont want to give it ALL away lol
- FINALLY...starting a healing series where I look at people who are hurting so that awareness is built for us to begin to heal...the first piece is going to be AMAZING. the working title is 'empty womb'
for any questions, comments, pricing on other pieces or you want something specially made or your own idea put to the canvas with my hands just email me at
Friday, February 20, 2009
Vol 1: Presidential: From Sea 2 Shining Sea
This piece is the first one in a series I am doing on Black women in Politics. I called this one Sea to Shining Sea because it looks at the presidential role of the Black woman. From the first Black woman president, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in Liberia, to the first Black woman running for a major party presidential ticket, Shirley Chisholm, to our First Black Lady, Michelle Obama. These women represent major strides in presidential affairs of Black women in the world.
Choose Hope
Booty Womb
Saturday, January 10, 2009
revolutionary art
painted this for a beautiful sister who connected me to a whole new level of revolutionary art...the women in glitter is the logo for our collective...check us out at
yes he can and will
Monday, January 5, 2009
dream and believe
my supply cabinent :-)
so what i did to it was prime it and paint it a beautiful raspberry spritz then the inside walls a light blue, bottom shelf lime green, top shelf purple. i decoupaged the back wall with a scrapbook paper i found at Michael's. then i screwed 2 paper towel holders to the ceiling of the interior and used a piece of plastic hanger i broke off to put the ribbon on. the other paper towel holder i will use for paper towels. i also changed all the handles and brought baskets from the dollar tree to oragnize things...i would say i only spent maybe $10 on this :-)